
Qui sont les membres du jury de la finale du Concours Reine Elisabeth 2024 ?
Le jury du Concours Reine Elisabeth a chaque année la responsabilité de décider de l’avenir professionnel d’environ 200 jeunes musiciens, une lourde tâche qui incombe à ces personnalités éminentes du milieu du violon, musiciens, professeurs, chefs d’orchestre et compositeurs.

Lorenzo Gatto, un violoniste au cœur du Concours Reine Elisabeth
Lorenzo Gatto connaît le Concours Reine Elisabeth comme sa poche. Il y a participé 2 fois en tant que candidat, avec à la clé un Deuxième Prix, meilleure performance à ce jour obtenue par un Belge.

‘In mijn liefde voor muziek ben ik niet monogaam’ - Andy Furniere
Voor de laatste Smalltalk voor de zomerbreak blijven we dicht bij ‘huis’. Met violist Lorenzo Gatto belanden we op het terras van Café Belga, aan de voet van de BRUZZ-redactie. Na een sabbatperiode op een zeilboot zit Gatto vol plannen, zoals een wereldtournee met zijn nieuwe, avontuurlijke vioolensemble. Maar eerst speelt hij komend weekend met Brussels Philharmonic op het Walden Festival.

Thomas Deschamps, Emmanuelle Giuliani et Lucie Kayas élisent la version de référence de la Septième Sonate pour violon et piano de Ludwig van Beethoven
The critics at the legendary La Tribune des critiques de disques on France Musique do seem to like our Beethoven cycle with Lorenzo Gatto... Some 4 years after our Kreutzer sonata came in first in their blind comparison, our rendition of the ominous C minor sonata (the 7th of the lot) won last Sunday amidst a staggering playing field, including some of our own heroes like Haskil/Grumiaux or Pires/Dumay. Hard to believe but who are we to refuse?

Beethoven Violin Sonatas 3,6, 7 & 8 reviewed by Gramophone
The world’s best classical review.

Beethoven reviewed by ARTAMAG’
The latest CD release by Julien Libeer and Lorenzo Gatto, read all about it!

Paris concert sold out
The final concert of the Salon Brahms presents three gems of his extensive oeuvre of chamber music, culminating in his quintessential Piano Quintet.

Beethoven reviewed in Gramophone
‘This is deeply unshowy Beethoven but it’s intensely sincere and it sounds entirely new.’

Latest instalment in out Beethoven cycle
Three more sonatas. We get caught up in the game, we experiment. Here, on a piano with parallel strings.

BBC Radio 3 broadcast from LSO St Luke’s, London
Camille Thomas (cello) and Cédric Tiberghien (piano) join me in the performance on March 16, 2018, at Jerwood Hall, LSO St Luke's, London.

In support of the Olivia Fund
I am honored to perform on this occasion together with the Belgian National Orchestra and conductor Maxim Emelyanychev on February 5, 2018 in BOZAR Brussels.

Connected with Roby Lakatos and Singing Molenbeek
Thirty children accompanied Julien Libeer, Lorenzo Gatto and Roby Lakatos in a musical tour around Hungary.

Beethoven Violin Sonatas wins Diapason d’Or de l’Année 2016
The recording of three of Beethoven’s Violin Sonatas, a collaboration with pianist Julien Libeer, received the Diapason d’Or de l’Année 2016.

Joining Martha Argerich and Friends
Thrilled to have been part of the Martha Argerich and Friends concert in Brussels, on December 19, 2016.

Collaboration with Kantorow well-received
‘The overall effect is entirely winning, with fantastically sensitive violin playing dressed up with tremendous technical virtuosity’ – The Strad

Eight Seasons Recomposed Tour
The energy of the Young Belgian Strings, the visual power of Dimitri Sterkens’ film ‘Free Seasons’ and the iconic music.

Beethoven live with Pires, Dumay and Libeer
From 10 to 12 April 2016, we will be presenting the Beethoven violin sonatas at Flagey.

Always more sides to one story
My repertoire choices seem to raise some eyebrows, as Belgian newspaper L’Echo interviews me on two recent recordings – that of Mernier and of Lalo.

Playing with the Young Belgian Strings
I am privileged to be a patron to the Young Belgian Strings, a chamber orchestra composed of young talents.